10 Tips to Packing Your Storage Unit
Tip #1. Think Vertical Storage Space
That is why thinking vertical storage is our first tip in our 10 tips to packing your storage unit. Think of your storage unit just like a professional mover’s truck and look up as you continue to pack your storage unit with your items. If you are starting to feel like you are running out of space, just look up. There is usually enough room to stack another set of boxes near the ceiling of your storage unit.
Tip #2. Secure Boxes the Higher You Go
Tip #3. Clear Aisle to the Back
Tip #4. Heavy on Bottom and Light on Top
We feel like this is one of the least thought of tips to packing your storage unit, but one that is also very helpful. This also makes life a whole lot easier because you don’t have to spend time searching for the heavier items and sorting the lighter items out to be placed in the storage facility later. You’ll find that you can unpack your moving truck much quicker if you plan your packing ahead of time before you get to the storage facility.
Tip #5. Use Bubble-Wrap, Newspaper and Packaging Peanuts
Tip #6. Use Packaging Blankets to Protect Furniture
While you can use blankets from your home, there are also recycled blankets that can be purchased, which are specifically made for moving. A quick recommendation if you use the recycled blankets is that they can be slightly irritating to the skin, so make sure to wear a long-sleeve shirt to reduce any potential irritation.
Tip #7. The Amazing Space Saver Bag
A quick tip on space saver bags is that these things can get really heavy. Some of the larger space saver bags can fit 4 or 5 blankets, which means that they start getting heavy fast. Be careful when lifting your space saver bag, be ready for the weight. All things being said though, we love space saver bags because of how much more efficient you can be with your available space.
Tip #8. Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Tip #9. Label Boxes for Ultimate Organization
This can be done in a few different ways, one of which is to sort the boxes and totes by color coding them. So you would split out your house into different colors that match with different parts of the house. The kitchen could be orange, the living room green and so on and so forth. So at the end you would have a color for every section of your house. Then all you need to do is use labels or colored sharpies and mark the boxes or totes with the corresponding colors. Now when you need to get to your items for the living room, just look for the green labels and you can find those items quickly and easily. This also makes an amazing difference when you are unpacking your things or moving into a new house. Make sure to keep a legend or color chart so that you remember what every color is!
The other way that this can be done is to simply write-out what is in the contents of each of the boxes and totes that you are using. This takes a little bit more time than just using the color chart, but it can be more effective when trying to find a very specific item in your storage unit. I would recommend using the color labeling approach over writing out the description of the boxes. I feel like this works a lot better for me, but it all comes down to your personal preference at the end of the day.